Guide to
Guilt Free Weight Loss

Hi there image
Hi, I'm Megan!

By the time I was 12, I was already unhappy with my body. As a young adults, I was dieting and spending hours exercising. I would only feeling good about myself when the scale dropped. When I'd backslide, because what I'd chosen to do wasn't sustainable, I'd feel even worse about myself.

It was because of those struggles that I directed my love of learning towards studying nutrition. I worked hard to become a personal trainer. I learned how food and exercise can be manipulated for different goals. But, even as I worked with others to reach their ideal weight, I could never manage to feel good about myself.

Then, something happened that changed everything, I got pregnant. I knew that I needed to change the way I was going about this. I didn’t want my kids to inherit my poor self esteem. I didn’t want them to pick up on the shame that I had about my body, or about gaining weight.

That's when I started working on my mind. That was the game changer for me. That's why I want to share my methods for free, with the Guide to Guilt Free Weight Loss!

Maybe you feel like you've tried everything. Sometimes, you can stick to it for a couple weeks, then something comes up and you lose all your resolve. You feel guilty. You feel ashamed of yourself and of your body and this causes you to search for the next meal plan, the next diet.

What if you were done doing this weight loss thing to fit someone else's expectations? Your weight loss isn’t just about looking good for other people! It’s about how you feel. How you show up in your life as a mother, wife or friend. And I know, you're ready to lose the drama, so you can lose the weight!

Please start by entering your email above to download your free gift, the Guide to Guilt Free Weight Loss! 

You will also want to join my community of like-minded, badass, diet rule breakers for FREE here:

Body Positive Weight Loss 
Why Guilt Free? image